I have met a few women in my life who fit this description. They have a knack for just about everything from housekeeping to being wonderful mothers and wives. Their homes are immaculate as if no one really lives there. They are interior decorating geniuses. They dress in the latest trend or have created a style all their own that compliments them. And they have no hair out of place, They are beautiful both inwardly and outwardly. And I am blessed to know such women. I try to be as much like them as my personality will allow. But that is the keyword. Personality. If you do not know your personality type you can take a quiz here: http://www.gotoquiz.com/results/personality_plus_1. Your personality will play a big role in how you maintain your home. And unless you are a Melancholy Choleric, you will probably fall into a category between “It’s good enough…” and “We live here, so deal with…
The Wife of Noble Character