“She gets up while it is still night”…..Yawn! I am staring at that verse while I try and contemplate my day. I am in my bathrobe with my coffee and bible on my lap. “She gets up while it is still night….she provides food for her family”. In my house, it is “fend” for your self before eight o’clock. I am not a morning person! But the woman of noble character gets up in the middle of the night to start preparing meals for her family. I think we have to read that in context of the times she was living. Most alarm clocks in America go off around 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. Ours goes off at 6:00 a.m. and is snoozed until 6:45. I do feed the cats and my farm animals at around 7:30, but that is after I have had a shower and had at least a cup…
I Am Not a Morning Person