Ladies, we are the heart of our home. We are the thermostat. We set the tone and the energy. Face it, when “Mama ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy!” Isn’t that the truth? So when I camped on this verse from Proverbs 31:11 I had to resort to the commentaries. “The heart of her husband does safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil”. I have included two links below: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers This writer states that the man trusts his wife with his income. Knowing that she won’t spend it all frivolously and lead them the poor house. Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary This is a much wider view of the verse. But to sum it up quickly, the writer states that the wife of noble character acts right. She is not selfish. She finds ways to make life easier for her husband so that he can go…
The Heart of Your Home